
Cannabis, The Plant

Whether you’re a beginner or a frequent weed smoker, understanding cannabis terminology can be handy. It can help you communicate your needs and desires more effectively with your budtender, so that you leave the dispensary with the best possible experience!

So, let's talk about some common terms you'll hear when it comes to cannabis terminology:

Cannabis: Cannabis is the name of the plant that produces marijuana, marijuana is the name of the dried leaves and flowers that are used for smoking.

Marijuana: Marijuana is not a single thing, but rather a general term for different strains of cannabis.

Bud: The part of the plant that we smoke. It's also called "flower."

Cannabis strains: There are hundreds of different strains of marijuana that have been bred to have specific qualities such as taste, smell, or effects. You can choose from Sativa or Indica strains, which have different effects on your body and mind when smoked or ingested.

Hemp: Hemp is an industrial hemp variety of cannabis sativa that contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Indica: The indica strain of plants tends to be shorter and wider than sativa plants. It has wider leaves and buds that are darker in color than sativa strains, which tend to be skinnier and lighter-colored. Indicas also tend to be more relaxing and sedating than sativa strains.

Sativa: Sativa strains are tall, skinny plants with light-colored leaves and buds that may be purple or green in hue. They are known for having an energizing effect when consumed due to their higher levels of THC than indicas do.

CBD: Cannabidiol is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants. It has been shown to have many therapeutic benefits without any psychoactive effects—which means it won't get you high!

Concentrates: These are made from extracting THC from the plant matter using various methods (see below). They can be smoked or used in edibles and drinks—just like flower!

Dabbing: Dabs are concentrates made by extracting THC from the plant matter using butane as a solvent. This method leaves behind wax-like residue that can be smoked on its own or mixed into other products like oils or shatter concentrates for dabbing purposes.

Hash: is made by pressing marijuana flowers together so that they release their essential oils into a solvent (usually butane). The solvent then evaporates, leaving behind a sticky substance that can be smoked or consumed by other means. Hash has very high THC content—much higher than marijuana flower—and therefore will produce a stronger high than smoking regular cannabis flower.

THC: THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the active compounds found in cannabis. THC is what gives you the high associated with smoking weed.

Cannabis extract: Cannabis extract comes in many forms, including oil and wax. It can be used to make edibles or smoked by itself or in joints.

Terpenes: Terpenes are a class of organic compounds produced by plants—including cannabis! They give cannabis its distinctive taste and smell, and they have many different effects on your body.

The world of cannabis is vast and can be a little confusing to the uninitiated. But here at Higher Dining, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to navigate your way around the plant world and always get the most out of your experience!

Higher Dining