Setting Intentions & Rituals

Soul Care. . .

Rituals are important. They’re a way to create a space for yourself and make the most of your time.

When you're intentional with cannabis, it adds romanticizing to your life and day-to-day. It opens your consciousness more, which means you're able to be more present.

So, what does being intentional mean? It's about doing things for yourself that will make you feel good. Here are some examples:

  • Say an intention out loud before lighting and taking your first pull. Have a day without engaging with the outside world: no social media, no phone, nothing! Sit down with a joint and enjoy the day without any "outside noise."

  • Light up a joint and take a walk in nature by yourself.

  • Tap into creativity by engaging with art—paint, color, write while smoking or enjoying an edible. Cannabis is an incredible tool for creativity because it allows us to relax and explore our inner thoughts and emotions. When we are relaxed and open, we can think more clearly, which can lead to more creative thinking.

  • You can use this time to meditate on your intention for the day or journal about what you want to create. If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, try brainstorming by yourself or with a friend before you smoke so that you can be more creative later.

  • Talk to yourself out loud—it helps you connect more deeply with yourself and your emotions. Tap into your femininity and sexuality while speaking positivity.

  • Move your body! Go for a run or work out at home. Take a yoga class. Do something that feels good for your body and soul!

Ultimately though, deciding how you want to work with cannabis is up to YOU!

Higher Dining